Our First Action!
We are spreading awareness on the COVID-19 virus through this website and we know the challenges NGO's are facing with fund's during this pandemic time. So to take our service to a higher step, we have created a fundraiser to help the NGO, Karunashraya with funds for all its patients food, consumables and medicines for a day. To donate, please click on this link- https://milaap.org/fundraisers/support-karunashraya?user=existing Images from: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fkarunashraya.org%2F&psig=AOvVaw28hhxsSINoAJBeA4VQR0tG&ust=1605801093075000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCIjMlrG5jO0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAL Img 2: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_ajb9m-gf3s/maxresdefault.jpg